
In honor of NESTVAL geographers who are, not doubt, busy exploring new worlds.

Weston Dow

dowwebMaynard Weston Dow, Professor Emeriti, Plymouth State University, passed away on August 6, 2011. He was a great teacher, loved by his students, a wonderful colleague, and an excellent mentor. He was very active in Nestval. His work with the Geographers on Film series began about 40 years ago where he interviewed many of the most prominent geographers. This film series is being digitized and archived by the AAG and will be available for researchers. A memorial is being planned for the AAG meetings in New York City in February 2012.


George Rumney

George Richard Rumney, the climatologist, marine scientist, author, and University of Connecticut Professor Emeritus died of natural causes on April 25th in Sarasota, Florida.  His 1968 college textbook, Climatology and the World’s Climates laid the foundations for the burgeoning study of climate and climate change. He was 94 years old and after retirement had lived in Groton Long Point, Connecticut and Sarasota, Florida.

Read more: George Rumney


Glen Miller

picture of geographer glenn millerGlenn Miller (1953 – 2002) Geographer and Rolling Stones fan. On July 27th 2002, the world and the geography community in particular, lost a great advocate and as principled and dedicated an individual as one could find anywhere. Glenn was born and raised in Lancaster County, PA and obtained his bachelors and masters degrees from West Chester University. He then proceeded to University of Cincinnati for his Ph.D.

Read more: Glen Miller