- Editor’s Introduction: Moving Academic Geography Forward Amid Times of Compounding Crises and Change
- Caitlin McLaughlin, Using the Past to Paint the Future: The Sustainability Potential of Organic Pigment Processing and Creation
- Stephen Axon, Sense of Place, Sidewalk Chalk Art, and Covid-19: Identifying Children’s Pandemic Narratives in New Haven, Connecticut
- Sharon Kanfoush, Climatic Forcing of Multidecadal Variation in Lake Sediment Characteristics: Teleconnections Spanning 1,700 Kilometers of North America from Michigan to New York
- John Sharp, The Impact of the Great Recession on Enrollments and Residency Status at Public Universities in New England
- Jeffrey Kreeger, GIS Methods and Hospitality: A Systematic Review of 40 Years of Research
- Alysia Wakefield and Stephen Axon, Scaling the Food Mountain: Implications for Addressing the Determinants of Consumer Food Waste Practices
Policy Briefs
NESTVAL Meeting Abstracts 2022 Annual Meeting, Salem State University, Salem, MA
- Burglary Rates and Neighborhood Contextual Characteristics
- Density and the Spatial Analysis of Principal Components Derived from Mobility-Related Socio- Economic Variables in New England
- Statistical Analysis of Risk Factors Contributing to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Estimating Aboveground Carbon Stock at Franklin Pierce University
- Destination Image and Student Perceptions of Tourism
Book Reviews
- From the Mountains to the Sea: Protecting Nature in Postwar New Hampshire
- Home Now: How 6,000 Refugees Transformed an American Town
- Unsustainable Inequalities: Social Justice and the Environment
- Dangerous Years: Climate Change, the Long Emergency, and the Way Forward
- Patch Atlas: Integrating Design Practices and Ecological Knowledge for Cities
- Vacant to Vibrant: Creating Successful Green Infrastructure Networks
- The Immigrant-Food Nexus: Borders, Labor, and Identity
- Battles of the North Country: Wilderness Politics and Recreational Development in the Adirondack State Park
- Introduction to Special Issue: Quebec Hydropower for a Green Massachusetts? Connections, Contradictions, ad Contests of Renewable Electricity
- Green Massachusetts? Carbon Reduction Goals and Strategies, and the Changing Role of Canadian Hydropower
- Legacies of Electric Restructuring for a New Electric Transition: Neoliberal Paths for Canadian Hydropower?
- “New Hampshire Is Not Your Extension Cord”: Understanding Oppositions to Transmission Lines in Northern New England
- Canadian Electric Imports and New England’s Renewable Energy Transmission Dilemma: A Case Study of the Northern Pass’s Origins and Defeat in New Hampshire
- New England Clean Energy Connect: Electric Power Transmission Conflict in Maine
- Maine’s CMP Corridor as a “Paracommons”: The Spatial Politics of Gains and Harms Among Proprietors, Neighbors, Socioecological Systems and the Wider Economy
- Damming the Unamen Shipu Romaine River: Contemporary Transformations of Territorialities Among the Innu of Ekuanitshit
- NESTVAL Meeting Abstracts
- Fandom on the Air: Assessing Regional Identity Through College Football
- Assessing Climate Change, Ecotourism and Small Communities
- Multiple Sclerosis Death Rates and County-level Contextual Characteristics
- Ellen Semple’s Geography of the Mediterranean Region
Book Reviews
- Critical Reflections on Off -Campus Study Programs
- Indigenous spaces, Imperial Fictions, and Competition For Territory in Northeastern America
- Inventing Future Cities
- Breakpoint: Reckoning with America’s Environmental Crises
- Flint Fights Back, Environmental Justice and Democracy in the Flint Water Crisis
- The Heart of the City: Creating Vibrant Downtowns for a New Century
- Dream City: Creation, Destruction, and Reinvention in Downtown Detroit
- Site Selection of Offshore Wind Farms
- Fragmented Forest: A Case Study Examining Historical Land Management and Current Urban Forest Health
- Towards a Just Assessment Tool for Identifying Food Deserts Using a Space-Time Economic Model
Book Reviews
- Growing a Sustainable City?: The Question of Urban Agriculture
- Doing Community-Based Research: Perspectives from the Field
- Memory Lands: King Philip’s War and the Place of Violence in the Northeast
- A Town Called Asbestos. Environmental Contamination, Health and Resilience in a Resource Community
- Free the Beaches: The Story of Ned Coll and the Battle for America’s Most Exclusive Shoreline
- Crisis and Disaster Management for Tourism
- People Before Highways: Boston Activists, Urban Planners and a New Movement for City Making
- Energy and Civilization: A History
- Time and Place: An Environmental History of Prince Edward Island
- Editorial Introduction: Climate Change in Northeastern North America
- Satellite Detection of Vegetation Change in Northeast North American from 2000 to 2016
- Influence of Lake Morphometry on Paleoproductivity Patterns in Lakes Subjected to Similar Climate Change Conditions in the Adirondack Mountains of New York, Eastern North America
- Changing Winegrape Growing Conditions in Southern Quebec: A Temperature-Based Analysis
- Rural Resilience: Managing Climate Change and Economic Shifts in New England’s Tourism-Dependent Communities
Book Reviews
- The Nine Elements of a Sustainable Campus
- Cultivating Environmental Justice: A Literary History of U.S. Garden Writing
- A World To Live In: An Ecologist’s Vision for a Plundered Planet
- Inherit the Holy Mountain: Religion and the Rise of American Environmentalism
- Asian Longhorned Beetle Outbreak in Worcester, Massachusetts: A History of Urban Forestry Practices
- Just a Walk in the Park: A Case Study Analysis of a Seniors Community Park in Oak Bay, British Columbia
- How a Field Course Could Cost You Your House: Risk Assessment for Geography Fieldwork
- Stakeholder Perceptions and Attitudes in Freshwater Resources Management: Lessons from Survey Data on Environmental Conditions at Sebago Lake, Maine
Book Reviews
- Mastering Iron: The Struggle to Modernize an American Industry, 1800-1868
- Thirty-Eight: The Hurricane That Transformed New England Confronting Urban Legacy: Rediscovering Hartford and New England’s Forgotten Cities
- America’s Founding Fruit: The Cranberry in a New Environment
- The Great Acceleration: An Environmental History of the Anthropocene Since 1945
- Editorial Introduction: Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Youth and Out-migration in Northern New England
- Vermont’s Domestic Migration Patterns: A Cause of Social and Economic Differences
- “Toiling Over the Fields”: Young Men, Work, and Migration Decisions in Nineteenth-Century Vermont
- Discourses of Departure?: Examining the “Rural as Deficit” and “No Jobs” Narratives in Vermont
- The Risks and Rewards of Using Social Media in Rural Migration Research: Findings from the Vermont Roots Project
- “New Vermonters” and New Perspectives on Vermont Migration
Book Reviews
- Food, Farms and Community: Exploring Food Systems
- Walden Warming: Climate Change Comes to Thoreau’s Woods
- Salem: Place, Myth, and Memory
- Nature Next Door: Cities and Trees in the American Northeast
- Fostering Global Citizenship Through Faculty-Led International Programs
- Analyzing Open Space Distributions in the Context of the Environmental Kuznets Curve: An Example from the Northeastern United States
- Urban Art Spaces of Montréal: Distribution and Characteristics of Art Museums, Art Galleries, and Artist-Run Centres/Collectives
- College Student Migration in New England: Who Comes, Who Goes, and Why We Might Care
- John Wesley Powell and Haven, Maine: Summer Colony Development and Image
Book Reviews
- The Myth of Progress: Toward a Sustainable Future
- Metaphors for Environmental Sustainability: Redefining our Relationship with Nature
- Milk Money: Cash, Cows, and the Death of the American Dairy Farm
- Firsting and Lasting: Writing Indians Out of Existence in New England
- New Natures: Joining Environmental History with Science and Technology Studies
- Quebec Hydropolitics: The Peribonka Concessions of the Second World War and Power from the North: Territory, Identity, and the Culture of Hydroelectricity in Quebec
- Whales & Nations: Environmental Diplomacy on the High Seas
- Tangled Roots: The Appalachian Trail and American Environmental Politics
- Second Nature: An Environmental History of New England
- Rebuilding the Foodshed: How to Create Local, Sustainable and Secure Food Systems
- Growing Diverse Economies Through Community Supported Agriculture
- Determinants of Net Migration to Appalachian Counties in Pennsylvania, 1980-86 and 2000-06
- The Change in the Urban Heat Island for Westfield, Massachusetts
- Perceptual New England
Book Reviews
- Humanist Geography: An Individual’s Search for Meaning
- Small, Gritty and Green: The Promise of America’s Smaller Industrial Cities in a Low-Carbon World
- The Republic of Nature: An Environmental History of the United States
- Cultivating Food Justice: Race, Class and Sustainability
- Geography and the Classical World: Unearthing Historical Geography’s Forgotten Past
- Surveyors of Empire: Samuel Holland, J.F.W. Des Barres, and the Making of The Atlantic Neptune
- The Locavore’s Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000-Mile Diet
- Environmental Change in Northeastern North America
- Land Preservation and Sustainability in American’s Northeastern Northern Forest
- The Dendroclimatological Potential of White Birch (Betula papyrifera) in Labrador, Canada
- “Obsolete Archaism, Utopian Dreams and Manure”: Biogas and Diary Livelihoods in Vermont
- Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Change for Northeastern North America Using MODIS Thermal Data, 2001 to 2011
- New Deal vs. Yankee Independence: The Failure of Comprehensive Development on the Connecticut River, and its Long-Term Consequences
Book Reviews:
- Climate Change: The Science, Impact, and Solutions 2nd edition
- Climate Change: From Science to Sustainability
- Adaption to Climate Change: From Resilience to Transformation
- Collaborative and Transparent Production of Decision-Relevant Information for New Hampshire’s Climate Action Plan
- Assessing Land Use and Riparian Buffers Along Maine’s Presumpscot Watershed Using Landsat Thematic Mapper
- A Comparison of a Seawall-Constrained and Unconstrained Beach in Groton, CT
- Atlantic Canadian Corporate Directors and Their Educational Affiliations: A Spatial Analysis
- Adaptive Re-use in a New England Mill District: Factors Contributing to Success in Manchester, NH
- Review Essay: Bringing Geography to Book: Ellen Semple and the Reception of Geographical Knowledge
Book Reviews
- Landscape of Industry: An Industrial History of the Blackstone Valley
- Eden on the Charles: The Making of Boston
- The Nature of New York: An Environmental History of the Empire State
- Clearing the Coastline: The Nineteenth-Century Ecological and Cultural Transformation of Cape Cod
- Wabanaki Homeland and the New State of Maine: The 1820 Journal and Plans of Survey of Joseph Treat
- The Last Fish Tale: The Fate of the Atlantic and Survival in Gloucester, America’s Oldest Fishing Port and Most Original Town
- Nature and Culture in the Northern Forest: Region, Heritage, and Environment in the Rural Northeast
- Parks and People: Managing Outdoor Recreation at Acadia National Park
- Remaking Boston: An Environmental History of the City and Its Surroundings
- Interconnections in Resource Development: Controversies Surrounding the Marcellus Shale in New York
- A GIS Approach to the Positioning of Base Stations for Cellular Network Coverage of Connecticut Route 32
- River Management and Protection in New Hampshire
- Recent Patterns in New England’s Migration: Changes Since the Turnaround of the 1980
Book Reviews:
- Where the Great River Rises: an Atlas of the Connecticut River Watershed in Vermont and New Hampshire
- Remodeling the Nation: the Architecture of American Identity, 1776-1858
- The Sustainable Learning Community: One University’s Journey to the Future
- The Common Pot: The Recovery of Native Space in the Northeast
- Capitalizing on Environmental Injustice: The Polluter-Industrial Complex in the Age of Globalization
- The Birth of American Tourism: New York, The Hudson Valley, and American Culture, 1790-1830
- The American College Town
- Polluted and Dangerous: America’s Worst Abandoned Properties and What Can Be Done About Them
Volume 1 2009 (complete volume in one PDF)
- Guest Essay: History of the Publications of NESTVAL
- The View from New Haven: Timothy Dwight’s Urbanism, 1796-1817
- Arnold Guyot and Humboldtian Science in Mid-Nineteenth-Century New England
- Water, Science and Humans: Exploring the Hydrosocial Cycle in the St. Francis River Watershed
- An Analysis of Air Travel at Boston in the Post-9/11 Years
- Using Remotely Sensed Data and GIS to Assess Development in Essex County, Massachusetts
- Geomorphological Impacts of channel Straightening in an Agricultural Watershed, Southwestern Quebéc
Book Reviews:
- New England and the Maritime Provinces: Connections and Comparisons
- Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship
- Southeast Asian Refugees and Immigrants in the Mill City: Changing Families, Communities and Institutions — Thirty Years Afterwards
- Mapping a Continent: Historical Atlas of North America, 1492-1814
- Franconia Notch and the Women Who Saved It
- Creating Portland: History and Place in Northern New England
- The Geography of Wine: How Landscapes, Cultures, Terroir, and the Weather Make a Good Drop
- The View From Vermont: Tourism and the Making of an American Rural Landscape
- Two Vermonts: Geography and Identity, 1865-1910